Staff Directory
Staff Directory
Staff Directory
Keith Marshall

Keith Marshall
Executive Director
Responsible for the overall conduct of the Big Ten 91ÊÓƵ headquarters’ staff and programs. Works with chief academic officers to define and implement the consortium's mission and agenda.
Heather Blair
Heather Blair
Office Manager
Programs Team
Provides administrative and logistical support to the programs, peer groups and initiatives of the Vice Provosts for Faculty Affairs and the Graduate Deans.
Cindy Chastain

Cindy Chastain
Office Manager
Supports collaborative Procurement activities. Provides financial transaction processing, account reconciliation, and general accounting support for the office
Martha Cooper

Martha Cooper
Senior Assistant Director
Programs Team
Leads the strategic initiatives and collaborative communities of the Liberal Arts & Sciences Deans and the Senior International Officers. Oversees the development, administration, and evaluation of programs and professional peer groups. As the Senior Assistant Director, supports and supervises staff and serves as a key advisor to the Director.
Claudia Corlett-Stahl

Claudia Corlett-Stahl
Assistant Director for Accounting
Leads financial reporting and operations activities including the annual audit, sponsored project administration, and other reporting as necessary. Supports contracting and compliance management for the organization. Assists the Big Ten 91ÊÓƵ procurement collaboration.
Mel Dawson

Mel Dawson
Office Support Specialist
Programs Team
Provides administrative and logistical support to the programs, peer groups and initiatives of the Chief Information Officers, Liberal Arts and Sciences Deans, and the Senior International Officers.
Charity Farber

Charity Farber
Associate Director
Programs Team
Leads the strategic initiatives and collaborative communities of the Vice Provosts for Faculty Affairs and Graduate Deans. Oversees the development, implementation, and evaluation of programs and professional peer communities. As the Associate Director of the Programs Team, supports and supervises staff and serves as a key advisor to the Director.
Lori Frost

Lori Frost
Program Manager
Programs Team
Develops, implements and evaluates the strategic initiatives and programs of the Chief Information Officers. Fosters the collaborative communities and shepherds the success of the activities of CIOs’ professional peer groups.
Katherine Galvin
Katherine Galvin
Programs Team
Responsible for the overall leadership of the Programs Team and the core members they support: Vice Provosts for Faculty Affairs, Liberal Arts and Sciences Deans, Graduate Deans, Senior International Officers and the Chief Information Officers. Provides professional development and support to Programs Team staff and strategic guidance to the core members.
Susanne Garrison

Susanne Garrison
Assistant to the Executive Director
Provides high-level administrative assistance to headquarters and executive leadership groups also supports the Library Initiatives Director
Frank Guan

Frank Guan
Program Assistant
Programs Team
Responsible for data management and provides technological and logistical support to the programs, staff and core members of the Programs Team.
Ashton Harwood

Ashton Harwood
Project Manager
Operations team
Orchestrates various projects crucial to varied initiatives, ranging from operational efficiency to strategic procurement collaborations. Creates workflow/process mapping to enhance organizational effectiveness.
Ben Hoogstraat

Ben Hoogstraat
Information Technology Specialist
Manages office-wide information technologies, including support and coordination of video conferencing, office networking, desktop computing, server management, and email list administration.
Sharon Lee
Sharon Lee
Business Analyst
Provides analytical support to headquarters program staff and member stakeholders. Tracks internal metrics and Big Ten 91ÊÓƵ institutional data. Provides financial accounting assistance to the Assistant Director for Accounting.
Danielle F. LeFaivre

Danielle F. LeFaivre
Program Coordinator
Programs Team
Coordinates, implements and administers the programs and strategic initiatives of the Vice Provosts for Faculty Affairs. Supports the collaborative communities, conferences, and events of the VPFA groups.
Kate McCready

Kate McCready
Program Director for Open Publishing Library Programs
Provides programmatic leadership, strategic coordination, and project management for the libraries' open publishing portfolio and scholarly communications initiatives. The portfolio includes commercial licensing, content purchasing, academy-owned publishing, and university press initiatives.
Kara McKinn

Kara McKinn
Manages communications and marketing for the organization, fostering partnerships with Big Ten institutions to promote collaborative initiatives through the Big Ten 91ÊÓƵ. Shares stories of stakeholder collaborations and their impact.
Jake Myers

Jake Myers
Associate Director
Leads technology, communications, and project management for the office to support collaborative initiatives across all programs. Supports overall operations including strategic leadership within the Operations Team. Oversees the Big Ten 91ÊÓƵ Admissions collaboration.
Eileen Oldham

Eileen Oldham
Accounting Associate
Financial Operations
Responsible for accounting tasks that include billings to member institutions, staff reimbursements, vendor payments, and financial records management.
Katie Pannbacker

Katie Pannbacker
Officer Manager
Provides administrative support to the BTAA staff and guest travelers, processing travel reimbursements.
Treshani Perera

Treshani Perera
Coordinator for Community Engagement
Library Team
Coordinates, implements, and manages logistics for various initiatives, events, and programs that advance the goals of the BIG Collection, with a special emphasis on fostering collaborations and conversations among BTAA library community groups.
Laurel Reed Rosch

Laurel Reed Rosch
Program Manager
Programs Team
Develops, implements and evaluates the strategic initiatives and programs of the Liberal Arts and Sciences Deans and Senior International Officers. Fosters the collaborative communities and shepherds the success of the activities of the professional peer groups of the LAS Deans and SIOs.
Jon Rutter

Jon Rutter
Program Coordinator
Coordinates, implements and administers the programs and strategic initiatives of the Graduate Deans. Supports the collaborative communities, peer groups, and events of the Graduate Deans groups
Emily Frieda Shaw

Emily Frieda Shaw
Coordinator of Infrastructure Services
Library Programs
Coordinates the BTAA Libraries Shared Services Package including overseeing the existing services within the package as well as any new services that are developed as the BIG Collection roadmap evolves.
Julie Sweet

Julie Sweet
Oversees the financial management, human resources, sponsored project administration, and communications for the Big Ten 91ÊÓƵ and leads the Operations Team. Coordinates procurement leadership initiatives for the collaboration, including strategic contracting for member universities.
Maurice York

Maurice York
Library Initiatives
Leads the Library Initiatives of the Big Ten 91ÊÓƵ. Works with the directors of libraries to identify and facilitate cooperative programs, and serves as liaison to library-related working groups.
Will Wittmer

Will Wittmer
Technical Architect
Delivers comprehensive software and hardware support, manages website administration, and offers expert assistance and development for various applications. Ensures operation and integration of technology solutions to meet organizational needs.