MIT PRESS & D2O Collective Agreement
MIT PRESS & D2O Collective Agreement

The and the Big Ten 91视频 (BTAA) entered a three-year collective action agreement (2022-2024) that provides (D2O) access for all fifteen BTAA member libraries. An innovative, sustainable framework for open access monographs, D2O moves professional and scholarly books from a solely market-based, purchase model to a collaborative, library-supported open access model.
Developed over two years with the support of the Arcadia Fund, D2O gives institutions the opportunity to harness collective action to support access to knowledge. As participating libraries, the Big Ten members will help open access to all new MIT Press scholarly monographs and edited collections from 2022. In addition, the member libraries will gain term access to an archive of gated titles, including classic works from Rosalind Krauss, Daniel Dennett, Noam Chomsky, Paul Krugman, Sherry Turkle, and many more. D2O libraries also gain the benefit of discounting on the MIT Press's trade books collection on the platform.
Established in 1962, the MIT Press is one of the largest and most distinguished university presses in the world and a leading publisher of books and journals at the intersection of science, technology, art, social science, and design. MIT Press publications are known for their intellectual daring, scholarly standards, interdisciplinary focus, and distinctive design.
Participating Institutions
University of Chicago
University of Illinois
Indiana University
University of Iowa
University of Maryland鈥揅ollege Park
University of Michigan
Michigan State University
University of Minnesota
University of
Northwestern University
Ohio State University
Pennsylvania State University
Purdue University
Rutgers University
University of Wisconsin
Maurice York
Center for Library Programs
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